My back is about 95% better now. I’m hiking every day and I have been for the past month. I’m real excited to be getting back out into nature :) and I’m feeling great lately. I’ve been eating healthy, meditating, taking care of the house, working from home, planning to join some groups this summer/fall once the virus settles down including at least one hiking group and probably one city improvement/ cleanup type group. I’m selling my house and car and getting an inexpensive apartment so that I can begin to build my bank account back up. I love my house…. but it’s too big and too expensive for just me and I sort of just know what I need to do for my happiness, stress levels, travel ambitions, and my future. So, I’m slowly but surely working towards getting to where I want to be personally and financially. In the meantime… here’s some pictures from my hiking trips around this area.
